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Let's Do a Fundraiser!

Do you buy plants every year to bring beauty and joy to your home?  We do too!  That’s why we believe that live plants are a great way to earn extra funding for your organization. Here at The Bloomery we want to help your organization be successful through fundraising and provide you and your customers with beautiful and healthy plants that they will buy year and year again. We began fundraising for groups in 2014 and every year we have seen our program grow as groups continue to successfully sell plants while earning needed funds for their cause. We offer services such as color printed order forms, digital images and forms, as well as delivery within a certain mileage from our greenhouse location. Spots to sell fill up quickly so be sure to get your group on the list. Reach out and contact us for more information or to get your organization sign-ed up.  We would love to help you!
Spring Fundraiser
As fresh growth and new life emerges in the spring,folks can’t wait to get their hands in the dirt and enjoy beautiful blooms. Just in time for Mother’s Day, in the spring we offer four types of ferns, as well as four types of 12-inchfloral hanging baskets for fundraising. Hanging Boston and Asparagus ferns and upright Kimberly Queen and Macho ferns are the perfect addition to any porch and fundraising program. Our mixed floral hanging baskets range from petunia mixes, to geraniums and Dragon-wing begonias. We have raving reviews about our fundraising plants. We can also grow custom fundraiser pots for your group; however,this must be organized the August before the year that you will sell. Sign-ups for regular spring fundraisers happen November thru January to begin selling in February.

Fall Fundraiser
With 12,000 chrysanthemums grown on site, we have a great opportunity for organizations to sell mums for their yearly fundraiser. All mums are grown in a 3-gallonsquat pot. We offer varying shades of five different colors (orange, purple, red, white and yellow). Each mum has three plants per pot, along with netting to help the plants develop strong stems and to keep plants from breaking during bad weather and during transport. Our HUGE mums are always a hit with everyone who purchases them. You will definitely be able to build a successful program with loyal customers who can’t wait to order mums from you every year. Sign-ups for fall fundraisers happen May thru July to begin selling in August.

Christmas Fundraiser
Depending on availability, some years we are able to offer a Christmas fundraiser with live greenery. Freshly cut from the mountains in North Carolina, our Fraser Fir and White Pine garlands and wreaths add a beautiful touch to any Christmas décor.Each wreath and garland is handmade and dipped to ensure that it lasts well throughout the season and well past Christmas. Look for updates to see if these fundraisers will be available in the upcoming year.  If this fundraiser is available, sign-ups will take place in August thru September to begin selling in October.

Reach out and contact us for more information or to get your organization sign-ed up.
We would love to help you!
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